Έδωσα μια συνέντευξη για το e-write.gr με αφορμή την παρουσίαση του «Αντί Διδακτορικού» στην Ξάνθη. Έτσι όπως ήταν ονλάιν, τα δάχτυλά μου μ' έτρωγαν να πατήσω την αυτόματη μετάφραση... Και το έκανα!We have the honor to host in our Blog, the Diitri Dimopoulos, one of the few people who represent our country in the Stand Up Comedy. O Dimitris is an actress, singer in opera houses and one of the most well known Stand Up Comedians of our country. On the occasion of the event in Xanthi talks about his work, his life and of course the Stand Up Comedy.
e-write: Dimitri first to thank you for this interview.
IGC: I thank you for your kind invitation. (He has since Buffet ;...)
e-write: We would like to tell us when and how we started with the SUC. What was the initial stimulus in that you did to deal with something so foreign to the Greek data?
IGC: I started to make Stanton-by 1996, Nights of Comedy Rikaki Lucia. The group is then housed in the Exarhia Themistocleous 104 and was the first year that host in a space specially created for this species. I had never seen my Stanton-up, I had just read about the team, kind of like tickling my mind and decided to go to a hearing.
e-write: What is SUC for you?
IGC: The Stanton-up offers me a channel of communication need to express many of those with problems and concerns. Can be a very important area of expression. We need enough work and perseverance to be able to escape from the facilities thank the public and easy to find your own voice to be heard finally. Can your entertainment to make fun of others.
e-write: What made you think you can make it?
IGC: The ignorance me! The perspicacity and corrosive and I could always have them around to laugh. It is information to help me, but not enough when you first came on stage. Then we come up against strangers and must create channels. Once I felt confident in myself and in my material, they can inspire confidence and the public, who believed, with trust and leave to drive the thought of where they want.
e-write: Only where you draw your ideas?
IGC: From everywhere, but focuses more on everyday life. The news is something that leaves me almost indifferent, I prefer to deal with issues that have a duration of time beyond the day. Because as Stanton-up comedian I have practiced longer to see the temporal power will have a joke, I prefer to my texts to deal with more issues over time. It is understood that I and my cakes are born, live and die at the same time. And do not underestimate the chavale, the chavales can be redemptive and needs! (As he said that the buffet ...)
e-write: There are some comedians of the SUC, or who think that influence?
ΙGC: Because when I started, I did not know what happened to me, to affect the comedians who see to the club. I had but my acquaintance with two comedians who did seminars Stanton-up in Athens, the Irishman Owen O 'Neill, from whom I learned how important it is to tell your story on stage, or even if it is not yours , It seems to do yours, and the Englishman Rob Chitsmoou in which we have many comedians improvisations.
e-write: Do you think the SUC is a kind of art? What do difficult and what is different from acting or writing?
IGC: I believe that life is a kind of art. The Stanton-up is not seen by many types of art, but uses many elements of other arts. Are you also a writer, director and actress in a play whose artistic value is easily reprehensible. The euphoria offered by the laughter can be catalytic value, but because it turns off when stopped, and easily forgotten. If the theater is the faithful wife of the arts, the Stanton-up is the atachti lover of the arts. The Stanton-by, as I understand, is so fluid in form and content can be difficult to say something generally about the relationship with the hypocritical and specifications. Personality is so, that should speak to each comedian separately for these two elements together and get a general idea.
e-write: Just to think you're good actor or writer to be SUC or need something else?
IGC: I have seen good texts to sink because of poor acting. I have seen good actors to sink because of bad texts. The combination of the two is so important to distinguish wrong with the «or», should there be a huge «and». The something else is needed is the personality of comedians.
e-write: Do you think that humor can have universal acceptance or have to adjust to some players?
IGC: Do you say, is this interview or doctorate? The humor in Stanton-by is wonderful because it may be what he wants to be! It is the choice of each consolidated and how will you irreconcilable with the material or how will feel free to make changes. Personally, I go crazy to leave on a good show to transfer to the public in unexplored parts, to improvise together and get lost in the uniqueness of the moment. The humor may be universal, everyone laugh with someone who slip and fall, it may be and personnel, where they sit and laugh yourself and you can not explain to anyone where is the joke...
e-write: With the political satire do you do?
IGC: Off. Θεωρώ πως η διακωμώδηση της πολιτικής δεν μου ταιριάζει. I think the policy will not mocking my match. I think the political satire so liberating act which is coming to act as muscle relaxants rather than as adrenaline injection makes us look. The role of «gelotopoiou court» who says what others dare not and the thing sounds and burst is not.
e-write: Tell us a little about the content of the show you «Instead Ph.D.»
IGC: The show is the result of 12 years working on the Stanton-up. When I decided to make a solo appearance, I decided to be a show which does not deal at all with the «bitch», an issue that while it is true that will draw laughter, not concerned with the specifications of the «Instead Ph.D.». It was a bet with myself, to make a show that does not she clicks on many facilities.
e-write: How do you see the immediate future of the SUC in Greece?
IGC: I know that the Stanton-by will never be as popular as the bouzouki. Stanton-up for me is the comedian himself with the microphone. Guitars, puppets, imitation and the change is another thing. Currently in Athens there are so many shops that offer Stanton-up in various forms, which I think the public sending.
e-write: It may believe at some point to deal exclusively with the SUC and to live by that?
IGC: Yes, of course. In England or the U.S. (There buffets to see ...)
e-write: We know that you are outside the SUC actress and also deals with various other things. Would you like us to say some things about yourself these activities?
IGC: Because not live either in England or the U.S., a thousand million deal to live for. For this year, things will show that working on the show and the song of the Children's Theater National Opera which appear on recompile part where, as Stanton-up comedian, as a translator and columnist in the magazine highlights. But I do not know what to expect surprises. But the wait!
e-write: How can someone who cares for your performances to come in contact with you?
IGC: Can Buffet succeed in that I saw up and talk to me, but it can be to find myself looking at facebook or «Instead Ph.D.», at www.myspace.com or sending me a meil in dimitris_dimopoulos@yahoo.com
e-write: Dimitri grateful.
IGC: E'o e'ari'to! («I thank you» but masoulontas.)
Dimitris 9.Noem appears tomorrow in Xanthi, in the House of Culture FEX (against City Hall) at 22:00. (IS NOT NO BUFFET)
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